Saturday, March 20, 2010

Crème De La Crème.

I don't know if my connection will allow me to post, but I wanted the world (hello, few readers!) to get a chance to discover a Belgian pearl, Waylon, with his hit Crème de la Crème.
I'm re-posting the lyrics below in their entirety (promise, I'll take them down if it ends up being a copyright problem) so my nerdy readers can see how they might refer to Chantal Akerman's movie, Jeanne Dielman, 23 Quai du Commerce, 1080 Bruxelles. Waylon is unfairly under-recognized, so if you like what you hear/see please join this Facebook group. Maybe we can start a viral campaign to get this masterpiece at the next Eurovision song contest. Most information on Waylon including the lyrics was found here.

She lives all alone
With her daughter
Drinks gin and wine
Just like water
Makes my head turn
I'll get craaaaaaaazy
Name is Mary
I call her baaaaaaaaaby
She's the crème de la crème
Ho, maman
La crème de la crème
Crème de la crème
La ! La ! La !
Crème de la crème
Ha ! Ha ! Hou !

I wish she were here
Hot ! Hot ! Hot ! Hot ! Hot !
(Hot ! Hot ! Hot !)
Panties in black in my baby cart
She makes me sing
Do ré miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
I lose my mind
Don't you feeeeeeeeel
She's the crème de la crème
Ho, maman
La crème de la crème
(Crème de la crème)
Crème de la crème
La ! La ! La ! La crème de la crème
(Crème de la crème)
Crème de la crèèèèèèèèèèèème
Crème de la crèèèèèèèèèèèèèème
Ha ! Hou !

I am a luck
Luck ! Luck ! Luck ! Luck ! Luck ! Luck ! (Luck ! Luck !)
Bring me the stuff
Stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff stuff (Stuff ! Stuff!)
Please touch my striiings
Just fliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing
Get me your wings, your wings
Crème de la crème
Ho, maman
La crème de la crème
(Crème de la crème)
Crème de la crème
La ! La ! La ! La crème de la crème
(Crème de la crème de la crème)
Crème de la crème (Crèèème)
Crème de la crèèèèèème (Crèèèème)
Crèèèèèèèèèème (Crèèèème)
Crèèèèèèèèèèèèème (Crèèème)
Crème de la crème (Crèèèèèème)
Crème de la crème….

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