Thursday, October 9, 2008

Your Social Life Delayed A Bit - Have A Good Yom Kippur!

Hi All,

I'm a bit udner the weather today (migraine) and given the amount of typos and misspellings in my other writing, I think it's safer to postpone a bit the YSL post as there's a bevy of things happening today, tomorrow, etc (also yesterday actually). I want to link properly, so more later, maybe late tonight, after my body is totally cleared of medication.

In any case, you certainly know it's Yom Kippur, which helps explain why the openings at LACMA were rather deserted last night. It's a bit surprising the special events department didn't think about moving the openings back a week or so, usually they are very attuned to that? So, my best wishes to my readers who are celebrating Yom Kippur, and therefore not in front of their computers reading me.
And for my other readers who have a TV, let me know how the premiere of the US adaptation of Life On Mars on ABC goes tonight? It's my favorite Brit TV show of the moment, and I fear for the US transposition...

(and yes, I stole the banner from their website, which means I give them free advertisement, so abc don't sue me).

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